Coach's VIEW is a business column authored by executive coaches in COACH A, aimed at providing valuable insights and effective approaches for leveraging coaching to foster organizational and leadership development. The column draws on the latest coaching trends and data, as well as insights from notable global publications on coaching.
Interview with Pam of Coach U - Part 1

August 20, 2020

[History and raison d'etre of Coach U]
1. Why was Coach U established?
Coach U was created to deliver training in core coaching skills and personal evolution (Personal Foundation) to support individuals to thrive in life and/or business.
2. When Coach U was launched, how was COACHING perceived in the world?
Coach U was created at a time when coaching was not yet recognized or established as a profession. Throughout the world, in a variety of ways, a coach approach to communication was in evidence as a way of relating with others, however, there was no formal definition of coaching (or a name for it). And, there were no universal core competencies, ethics or structuring of a coaching relationship.
3. What did you do to create the first coach training program?
Coach U was originally created by Thomas Leonard to meet the needs of his financial planning clients. Realizing that a more expanded conversation would better support clients, he created classes, and had trainers to offer them, in the various life skills such as: communication; listening, questioning, values, needs, standards and more.
Shortly after beginning this core program, a Personal Foundation offering was created to directly address the personal skills and proficiencies needed to be an effective ʻcoachʼ.
The early years had no clear formal structure, so I was brought on to organize and create clear systems, training resources, virtual platforms and more for the company. Primarily led by volunteers at the time, I interviewed and hired staff, organize schedules and partnered with an amazing team of passionate coaches that were dedicated to bringing coaching to the world.
4. Comparing that program to the one now, what is different?
Coach U then was primarily a program that trained individuals in becoming personal coaches. It was a fully virtual program, with courses offered exclusively via telephone. As the years progressed, we added corporate training via the Coaching Clinic (2-day Leader as Coach program) and our virtual Advanced Corporate Coaching program as well as Executive Coaching Services. Additionally, we expanded the way our courses are delivered. Today we offer face-to-face or virtual Core Skills training via our Core Essentials Fast Track (CEFTP) and our Coaching Clinic Licensing Program (CCLP). We have extended our reach globally, training thousands of coaches from many countries. Additionally, our accredited coach training with the International Coach Federation is now offered primarily via Zoom technology.
5. Who were the first coaching students at Coach U? (industry, age group, goal of learning etc.)
Our students are what I would call 'cultural creatives'. This is a broad demographic that includes; teachers, therapist, corporate refugees, performing artists, psychologists and more. Initially there were more women than men, however this equalized over time. Age group was diverse, with an average of, I would guess, mid to late 30ʼs. That said, it was very difficult to identify the various industries that people came from. So much so, that it made it difficult to determine who to market to, given the diversity of students.
6. Why do you think Coach U has become such a successful coach training provider? (Where does Coach Uʼs superiority/competitiveness lay?)
One of the huge strengths of Coach U is its global community. Our faculty are all virtual of course, and live in the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, UK, Israel and more. With this reach, we have created a connected community that represents a large percentage of the leaders in the coaching profession across the planet. Our core materials are what the ICF core coaching competencies are based on and continue to evolve along with the profession. We also support our students in application of the skills in a business context, whether as a sole proprietor or internal coach for an organization.
7. How has Coach U contributed to the expansion of the coaching industry?
Coach U has laid a firm foundation of excellence in coaching and continues to be a model for many. Our faculty, including myself, are actively involved in various International Coaching Federation initiatives that continue the professionalization of coaching.
8. After Coach U was established, how has coaching in the US and around the world evolved?
Coaching was not a recognized profession on a global level. Now, thanks to the work of many, coaching has become a household word in most of the world. The ICF, for example, now has members in 143 countries. And Coach U graduates have played a significant role in that effort. Coaching is now a recognized skill set in leadership development, succession planning, education and training, retail sales and more. In just about any industry, coaching is recognized as a viable support for evolving and expanding human potential.
9. Being a coach and being involved with this business for over 20 years, what do you see as the value preposition of coaching?
Coaching, as an approach to communication can transform the world. It has already started to do so in many organizations as is evidenced by the annual Prism Awards (organizations are recognized for creating a coaching culture). It grows self-awareness, expands communication skills and creates a space for objectivity and less judgement.
10. In today's world, why do we need a company/business like Coach U?
If my personal vision is to come to pass: "A world where peace prevails with creativity, connection and collaboration as the way of engaging with all individuals, regardless of culture, race or beliefs" then companies that teach a coach approach to communication are imperative. Coach U, COACH A, Newfield, Hudson Institute and hundreds of more schools, teaching these concepts and principles will help to heal our planet and bring collaborative peace. Organizations like Coach U, that hold high standards in training and education, will make a difference.
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Language: Japanese