3 MIN Coaching

3 MIN Coaching brings you the simplest guide to human resource management. The tips introduced do not require any formal coaching skills: all you need to do is create three minutes to think about your direct reports and speak to them.

[The Three-Minute Coach Essential] Continuous Talking About A Vision

 [The Three-Minute Coach Essential] Continuous Talking About A Vision
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During my coaching sessions, my coach often said to me, 'Let's talk about your vision.'
We were constantly creating and revising the vision. My vision was a topic throughout most of my sessions in a year.

I therefore asked my coach: 'I thought I should turn to an implementation phase after creating the vision? Is it right?'

'That's right,' my coach answered.

And he continued: 'But a vision becomes a vision only when you continue creating it. The moment you stop creating, the vision loses its power. Many people think they can create a perfect vision once and then rush toward the future, however, it would not be the case.'

'So we need to create it continuously?'

'Yes, it is illusionary to separate your vision and your actions. It is the process you talk about it that gives its flesh and reality.

--Extracted from "The Three-Minute Coach - Effective leadership made simple"

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